We specialize in treatments for all skin, hair and nail disorders.
Dr. Dario Kivelevitch
Dr. K is a highly skilled and experienced dermatologist who leads our practice. With a commitment to patient care, Dr. K provides personalized treatment plans, and ensures the highest level of care for our patients. Dr. K's expertise and dedication are instrumental in achieving our practice's goals.
Supporting Staff
Our clinic is supported by a team of dedicated and compassionate professionals, including medical assistants, access coordinators and administrative staff. They are committed to providing exceptional service and assisting you throughout your skincare journey.
What Our Patients Are Saying
2017 1st Place. Resident of Distinction Award, DermMentors.org.
2017 1st Place Podium Competition. Texas Dermatological Society (September 2017 meeting).
2017 American Academy of Dermatology. Resident International Grant.
2017 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Resident Scholarship
2016 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Resident Scholarship
2014 National Psoriasis Foundation Amgen Medical Dermatology Fellowship Award
2013 National Psoriasis Foundation Research Fellowship Award
2010 Distinguished in Argentine Dermatology. Argentine Society of Dermatology
2008 Luis M. Baliña Award. Comorbidities in psoriasis. University Del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Visit Us
2500 W Pleasant Run Rd. Suite 215. Lancaster, Texas.